Blossoms Counselling


Yes, Dads can struggle with their mental health too.

Are you a dad to a new baby? Are you a seasoned father with a couple of children?  Do you struggle to connect with your family or to participate in daily life?  Do you feel constantly worried about finances or like you do not matter and your needs and opinions don’t feel important. 

If you feel unmotivated, like you are going through the motions, always exhausted, overwhelmed worried or angry most days: therapy can absolutely help.


Yes, therapy is talking but it is also problem solving, breaking patterns and about becoming a kickass version of yourself.  Imagine feeling engaged, present, connected and calm?

I am rooting for you and truly want you to thrive.

Yes, it might be depression or anxiety or both.

I was so high functioning I just disregarded any off feelings as being tiredness.  I didn’t find out until 25 that I actually struggle with depression and it wasn’t until after having my first kid that I realized that I also struggle with anxiety.

Did you know?

Perfectionism, being highly prepared, over-scheduling, procrastination, poor sleeping patterns, overuse of screens as well as restlessness, panic and feelings of worry can all be symptoms of anxiety.

I bet you didn't also know that,

Perfectionism, overworking, under-connecting, fear of failing, needing to control weight, need to control, staying super organized, feeling empty are all symptoms of depression